Monday 15 April 2013

Animal Breeding Method

1. Animals which give birth to young ones are called viviparous   
    animals .
2. In viviparous animals the embryo develops inside the body of   
    the female from which it gains                  
    nourishment .
3. Ex: Dog, cow, cat, rat, human being. 

1. Animals which lay eggs are called oviparous animals. The eggs 
    are then hatched by the mothers .
2. Oviparous animal lay eggs before the embryos start developing 
    with little or no other development within the mother .
3. Ex: Lizard, frog, fish, snake, crow, hen, butterfly.

Exercise :
Tick the correct answer .

Saturday 13 April 2013

Shelter of animal

Animals need shelter to protect against danger and avoid  
        exposure to the sun and rain. Animals live in a variety of different kinds of homes. Eg :
~  Cave                                ~  Laos
~  Tree                                 ~  Ground
~  Water                               ~  Wooden slats
~  Crevice                             ~  Nest
~  Shed

Some animals use natural habitat for their homes. Other animals build their own home. Some animals even live in other animal's homes. Come explore where some animals make their home.









Exercise :
Fill in the blank .

Friday 12 April 2013

Types Of Consumed

• There are some animals eat plants only . ( Herbivore )
• There are some animals eat other animals only. (Carnivore )
• There are also some animals eat both plants and other  
 animals . (Omnivores )

Exercise :
Fill in the blank with the correct answer .
1. (              ) and (             ) is animal of herbivore.
2. (              ) is animal of carnivore .
3. (              ) and (             ) is animal of omnivore .

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Basic Needs of Animals

• Maintain life of animals . 
• Provide  oxygen for the combustion of food to produce  

• To provide energy .
• For healthy growth .

• To protect against danger .
• To avoid exposure to the sun and rain .

• To regulate the body temperature .
• For transporting nutrients .
• For digestion and excretion .


Exercise :
Circle the animal basic needs.

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Growing Process In Animals

Some animals are born and grow as similar as their parents. However , some animals are born and are looked different from their parents.

• Egg     -     Caterpillar  -       Adult insect (eg. Grasshopper)
• Egg     -     Caterpillar  -       Pupa    -     Adult insect 
  ( eg. butterfly )
• Egg    -      Duckling     -      Adult ( eg. Duck )






Exercise :
 Write 'S' for the animals grow as similar as their parents and write 'T' for the animals are looked different from their parents.

Friday 5 April 2013

Movement Of Animals

  • Different animals have different movement .
  • Movement of animals is to protect against danger and to find     foods ,water, shelter and partner . 
  • Movement of animals have many types . Eg: Walk, Run, Fly, Swim, Glide, Wriggle, Crawl,  Jump.

Exercise :
Let's sing a song .

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Importance Of Animals

Animals are a significant part of the Floyds Fork ecosystem.  All the animals are connected in one way or another, mainly through food chains.  An example of a food chain in Floyds Fork is as follows: 

There are small insects living in the streambanks of Floyds Fork.   The small fish in the creek eat these insects, and some species of large fish eat the smaller fish.  The fish are in turn caught by birds such as the great blue heron and eaten.  Food chains are a very vital aspect to this ecosystem.  The ecosystem is very stable on its own.   Independent of outsiders,  it is sustained in a natural balance.  Humans are outsiders who pose a danger to the ecosystem if they don't treat it properly.   Tiny differences in what we do in our back yards can effect the Floyds Fork ecosystem.  When we use insecticides on our lawns the chemicals are absorbed by the ground.   Water that flows in the ground pulls the chemicals out of the dirt and washes the chemicals into the stream.  These chemicals can be dangerous to the insects that live in the streambanks.  If the population of the insects decreases, there will be less food for the smaller fish.  That means the smaller fish die, and there will be less food for the larger fish, and in turn the birds like the blue heron.  And the food chain continues until it reaches us, humans.  We,  being human,  need to become conscious of these things that can endanger our environment.

• To help in propagation of plants .

• To obtain a balanced ecosystem .

• To facilitate the works of human being .
• To act as an main sources of foods for human being . 
• To upgrade the living standard of human being .

List out the importance of animals.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Today we are canning pears using the Boiling Water Canner method. Canning preserves foods by heating them to high temperatures.In the canning process,oxygen is driven out and a vacuum is formed.Boiling water temperature kills most food spoilage and food-borne illness microorganism.

The advantages and disadvantages are as below. 
  • Destroys microorganisms & autolytic enzymes.

  • Water-soluble nutrients can be lost into liquid in can.

Monday 11 March 2013


Drying is removal water from the food in order to expend the shelf life of food. The process is undergone with the aid of sunlight, wind or machines. 

The advantages and disadvantages are as follow .

  • Produces concentrated form of food. 
  • Inhibits microbial growth & autolytic enzymes
  • Retains most nutrients. 


  • Can cause loss of some nutrients, particularly thiamin & vitamin C.
  • Sulphur dioxide is sometimes added to dried fruits to retain vitamin C, but some individuals are sensitive to this substance.



Friday 8 March 2013


Pickling preserves food by adding vinegar.Pickling leaves the food with a higher  level of acid,making it an inhospitable environment for spoilage microorganisms.Food preserves by pickling are cucumber,ginger and so on .

The advantages and disadvantages are as follow
  • Pickling make food to last longer.
  • Bacteria and fungi cannot grow in at very acidic medium.
  • Pickling keeps thing fresh.

  • Pickling can change taste of food and destroyed the nutrient of food.
  • Pickling which means there's a lot of salt content. Salt is bad for human health.
  • Increases salt and sugar content of food. 


Thursday 7 March 2013


Pasteurization means heating liquid, particularly milk is heated to 65˚C for half an hour. Rapidly cooling it,and then storing it at a temperature below 10˚C .

The advantages and disadvantages are as below.
  • Heating at such high enough temperature kills most bacteria.However, it does not affect the taste and nutritional value of the food.
  • Pasteurized to make milk, yoghurt drink and juices last longer.
  • Inactivates autolytic enzymes.
  • Destroys microorganisms

  • Increasing evidence of heat resistant organisms developing, its complicated process requiring mechanisation, and it can affect the taste pasteurised milk isn't that nice.
  • Loss of heat-sensitive nutrients.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


A layer of coating such as wax is applied on some fruits and vegetables. Waxing of fruit and vegetables is also common. It prevents moisture loss and enhances the appearances of the fruits and vegetables. Waxed fruit need to be washed thoroughly or peeled before eating.

The advantages and disadvantages are as follow
  • Prevent moisture loss.
  • Improve appearance.
  • Reduce the susceptibility to Chilling  Injury.
  • Decrease the rate of transpiration.
  • Prevent other phsical damage.

  • Artificial appearance.
  • Added cost.
  • Surface burn.
  • Wax whiting(chalking).
  • Off-flavor development.


Tuesday 5 March 2013

Vacuum Packing

Vacuum – packing stores food in a vacuum environment, usually in an air-tight bag or bottle. The vacuum environment strips bacteria of oxygen needed for survival, slowing spoiling. Vacuum-packing is  commonly used for storing nuts to reduce loss of flavor from oxidation. Process that the food is sealed in a pack after air has been expelled.

The advantages and disadvantages are as fellow
  • Removing oxygen from the packaging is a main advantage to vacuum packing. Without oxygen the food will last much longer because the bacteria can't  "do their thing."

  • Buying a vacuum packaging machine can be expensive.